As a way of starting to look at our own studio environment, our professor had us each draw a card from a stack that. Each of these cards had on them a single idea based around: Learning, Looking, Trying and Asking. From this we were to choose on card under each category and from that apply that idea to the environment in a way that we saw fit. My group was based around the card Ask, where we were to create a visual representation of ideas and thoughts we have about the space. We took photos of the learning environment and then looked up words that would explain our feelings and actions about the space.

The image above is a collage of images of our studio space and some ideas and thoughts that we have had about how professors/teachers can best reach their students. So that everyone in the class may learn and pull the most out of that they are being taught. Some of the ideas are: weaving, branching, as well as an importance placed on color. Especially when so many schools today are being thrown up in such a rush so that they facilities can be put into use. How the occupants use and think about their built environment in not taken into consideration until the last moments if at all. These images have been compiled in such a way so that they speak to the human need to communication and learn from each other as well as the need to branch off and have time to think and find our own path. Allowing us all to make our own nitch in the world were we can each live and thrive happily.